Each January I emphasize the importance of READING YOUR BIBLE, delivering a message entitled “On Reading Your Bible.” I pull verses and texts from all over the Bible that indicate and infer that we should know and read God's revealed Word; and then make simple, practical instruction on just plainly reading the Bible. For the Children’s Message this year, my regular moment with the kids just before the sermon, I put Bibles in the hands of our kids. We went over how many Bible books—“39 in the OT; 27 in the NT” —and the types of writing (“History, Dada, you love history [he nods, yep]. Letters. Prophecy. Gospels. Poetry. Even love stories, yucky, right?”). Then, I used looking up John 3:16 to teach them about chapters and verses. When the kids found the verse, they all read it out loud together. The older kids helping the younger kids. A great moment in worship. Most often I use these moments as the first point of my sermon, at least it’s a set-up for the message. This is most definitely one of, if not my favorite parts of my ministry, of my worship-leading ministry. The love, respect, and acceptance I have received from CPC in The Hill kids and, even, other kids in the Hill, is so priceless to me. Each Sunday I gather all the kids together up front for a short message. Even some of the older kids and teens honor me in joining. Babies crawling around. You never know what a child will give as an answer to a question. And, little ones are very fidgety. God, give me these kids for your kingdom, soon and very soon. I usually pray after the children’s message, “Lord, be with these kids so that they’d know your love and grace, now, this week, in school and at home and for always.”
Wasted Blogger, Chip M. AndersonI am the pastor and church planter for Christ Presbyterian Church in The Hill; a flawed practitioner of Wasted Evangelism. I am learning about Wasted Evangelism through my experience in The Hill and through the good people of CPC in The Hill. Archives
April 2024
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